Berikut adalah beberapa artikel yang saya kumpulkan (tersebar di internet) tentang cara menumbuhkan mawar dari biji (seeds). Tidak semua metode sudah saya coba, hanya beberapa saja.
Semoga dari beberapa metode, bisa memberikan gambaran ke kita mengenai cara menumbuhkan mawar melalui biji.
TIPS 1 – Menumbuhkan Mawar dari Biji
sumber dari seller di ebay
How to Planting:
- Put seeds into 40°C water for 24 hours.
- Put seeds into very wet sands for germination. ( Generally it take more than 40 days. )
- Move it into soil after it sprouts.
- Germination temperature: 20-25℃
- Germination time: 40 days
- Growth optimum temperature: 10-25 ℃
- Spacing: 20 * 20cm
Rose on soil not ask for much, just with some humus soil aggregate structure be good training as long as the following three links will make good growth:
- Rose is drought tolerant plants, but it is afraid floods. It is necessary use non-glazed bonsai pots of soil cultivation. The principle is “do not pour water on it when soil is not dry. Wet it completely when you pour water on soil.
- Lend a high concentration of fertilizer (especially fertilizers) will result in the death of local rot.
- All plants need sunlight. Rose like sunshine too.
- Please seeds stored in a cool, dry place.
- The seed surface is 1-2 times the diameter of the seed.
- Cover seeds with preservative films,and then piercing the films to make several holes. Keep seeds covered in the daytime and uncover it in the night. Take off the preservative films when the seeds are half-germinated. The plant will be in a state of dormancy in summer and the leaves will turn yellow. Begginers should better use sand to cultivate the seeds.although the seeds will grow slower in the sand,the plants will be the most vigorous in the future. If you tend to use other kind of soil, try to use the kind with good water permeability,for example,the clay would not be a good choice. The soil should be disinfected by microwave oven before been used. Pay attention:the surface of the soil not be too dry, which is very important. When watering,all the soil should be wetted and there is no need to water in a cloudy day.
- The pot could be 6-8cm in depth, it be an earthen basin or a plastic one.
- The volume of the soil should keep a distance of 1-2cm from the rim of the pot.
Sedikit terjemahan dari artikel diatas :
- Taruh benih di air dengan suhu 40 derajad celcius selama 24 jam
- Taruh benih diatas pasir yang sangat basah untuk germinasi
- Pindahkan benih ke tanah setelah benih berkecambah
- Suhu untuk germinasi : 20-25 derajad celcius
- Lama Germinasi 40 hari
- Suhu optimal untuk pertumbuhan 10-25 derajad celcius
- Jarak antar tanaman 20 x 20cm
Mawar yang ditanam ditanah, tidak butuh macam-macam, hanya dengan sedikit tanah berhumus. Dan selama tiga hal dibawah ini terpenuhi, mawar akan tumbuh dengan baik :
- Mawar bisa bertoleransi terhadap kekeringan, tapi sangat rentan bila terlalu banyak air. Akan lebih baik jika menggunakan pot bonsai yang tidak mengkilap. Prinsip dasarnya adalah, “jangan menyiram mawar ketika tanahnya tidak kering”. Siramlah sampai benar benar basah sempurna tanahnya (ketika proses menyiram).
- Hindari penggunaan pupuk dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Pupuk ini bisa membunuh akar mawar.
- Semua tanaman butuh sinar matahari, mawarpun juga.
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pada saat proses Germinasi 40 hari apakah perlu kita siram benihnya? kalau iya sehari berapa kali?
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