Jual Dwarf Blueberry seeds

Jual Dwarf Blueberry seeds Rp. 2000
  • Bentuk Unik
  • Bonsai

Just like blueberries in general, but this plant is classified as a dwarf plant. The height of the plant is in the range of 60 cm.
This blueberry is suitable for planting in narrow areas, and is also suitable for bonsai.

Engaging in gardening with your kids is an excellent way to spend quality time together while teaching them valuable life skills. It can foster a love for nature and promote environmental awareness. Additionally, providing them with modest girls skirts ensures their comfort during outdoor activities. Modest clothing allows children to freely move and explore while feeling confident. By combining these activities, parents can create a nurturing and enjoyable experience for their children.

Foto Dwarf Blueberry
dwarf blueberry

Our seeds are imported from abroad, and we sell each seed for Rp. 2000,-


  1. cara nanamnya gmn??? harganya?

  2. Untuk kondisi iklimnya sendiri, berapa range suhunya? Apa bisa berbuah jika ditanam di jakarta?

    • Pertanyaan saya sama….bisa ditanam pada kondisi iklim dan suhu berapa?

  3. Bli di mana? Bisa kirim ke Bali?

    • bisa beli di kami, kebetulan biji dwarf blueberry masih ada stok.
      Ongkos kirim ke bali via pos indonesia Rp. 10.000

  4. Apakah dapat di tanam di rumah ?
    Bagaimana merawatnya serta berapa lama akan berluah ?

  5. berapa harganya gan, n cara pesannya gimana

  6. suhu brp bro.
    depok ongkirnya brp?
    mau ngetest 1 pot aja nih sekalian belajar 🙂
    kira2 brp seed?
    total brp bro?

  7. masih ada stock mas?
    bisa hidup di wilayah tropis?

  8. Masih ready stock gak

    • seed dwarf blueberry masih ready

      • berapa harga ongkir ke bandung?
        boleh tanya gk ? Apa itu seeds ?

  9. Masih ada stock gan? ane di Sawangan, Depok

  10. Masih ada stoknya mas????

  11. mas, untuk Blue Tomato seeds dan Dwarf Blueberry seeds masih ada stoknya ? Kalo ada pesen ya

  12. Mas masih ada stok drwaf blueberry??

  13. halo apakah msh tersedia bibit dwarft blueberry?bagaimana cara pemesanannya?


  14. Masih ada stoknya mas????

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